Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Looking back on 2014

Looking back on 2014, I figured that the last post for the year should be in true Bartnick style. I decided  to do it like we Bartnicks do...in pictures.
This is very picture heavy just an FYI. Grab a warm mug of whatever you enjoy, scroll thru all of them at your leisure, and I hope that at least one of these pictures puts a smile on your face and warmth in your heart. 

We spent time with loved one we hold dear

...and Besties that brought us cheer.

We watched sunrises on the road...

and got to go somewhere COLD! ( Lake Superior)
I got to hike with the hubbs...

and freeze my tush off up above!

Smiles were had all around...

and at the end of the day a perfect sunset was found!

Snow angles are always a must...

and snowshoeing till I could bust!

Playing outside is always fun...

and doctors visits had to come.

#TBT's with pictures of when I was young...

and finding OLD Technology was so much FUN!

Daddy and daughters first dance...

and we got new cats that like to hide by plants.

Picnics were fun on the living room floor...

Hanging out with awesome neighbors we loved all the more!

We colored...

We goofed...

We stamped in the mud!

We spouted poetry in the tub!

We drew on the concrete...

We baked just a bit...

We even checked out farms...

and wanted to stay a bit.

We took great pictures of farm animals named Larry...

and colored and painted until we were merry!

We hung out with our loving family...

and judged just a bit.

We started T-Ball.

And Popi made funny faces and didn't throw a fit.

We started this blog...

and played in the street!

We traveled to NOLA, it was such a treat!

We helped Grammie and Popi pack.

We saw a baseball game...

We played in the sprinkler because we didn't have rain!

We started many projects...

and celebrated the fourth!

We sent mom off with a great party...

and spent time on Jimmy's boat.

We went exploring and found new places...

and canned till we had no more spaces!
We spent time with cousins

and went riding!

We played dress up...

and went flying.

We took pictures...

and grew lettuce in the garden.

We looked up at the sky in great wonder!

We hung out with Jeannette before the house was sold...

and played soccer in the cold.

We took beautiful pictures...

and graduated Kindergarten.

We started soccer...

and found Chase in the washer.
We tried new recipes...

and drank with friends.

I chased after my children...

and took LOTS of pictures.

We had an epic tea party...

and patronized local businesses.

We got a new fire pit...

and healed cats with kisses!
We prepared for Christmas...

and dressed for cold weather.

We got into messes...

and took FUNNY pictures!

We baked cookies...

and made gifts for friends.

We cheered on our teams...

found a turtle we named Forrest...

we pissed off our cat, and dressed her like a queen...

we got SO many presents, but there was more to be seen!

We went bird watching...

and read books galore!

We cuddled with our sisters...

and evened the score.

We spent lots of time at Cold Comfort...

and read books EVERY NIGHT.

She had such a time trying to figure out what to write!

We went to the beach...
and took LOTS of pictures!

We explored every nook and every cranny.

We decorated for Christmas...

and got an Elf...

Claire was so happy she was beside herself!

We all received wonderful gifts...

and will try new things.

There are new skills to be honed...

and projects to finish.

But at the end of this year we will go out with a BANG!
Thank you to all of you for being part of our journey! We will keep up all the fun in the year to come;
no doubt about that. Happy New Years to all of you! 
Now go have some fun!!!!!

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