Saturday, July 26, 2014

Off to the Great White North!!!

And so it begins...our great painting adventure at 'Painting with a Twist' in Creve Coeur, MO.

RED SOLO CUP! I fill you up! It's time to PARRRRTTTTTYYYYY!
Lauren, Mom and I

What's better than this? A blank beautiful canvas, chocolate bread, Gooey Butter Cake cookies,
my red Solo cup filled with wine, paint brushes, and getting to hang out with some pretty awesome ladies

Karen and Linda, Lauren and Sarah.

Some of the FINE ladies that joined (R to L)
The Ravishing Linda, The "Acute" Karen,  our Mom, Sarah our little Firecracker,
Always laughing...our Awesome Y.O.M. Gayle, and my never a dull moment sister Lauren.

What would my memories from childhood be like without these ladies...I can tell you that in 3 words.
Pretty.Darn.Boring! (Yes, I said Darn, be proud of me.)

Z Uber fabulous Carol and My auntie the threadiest lady on the block Diane!

Hard at work...check out that concentration. I love it!

That "darn" deck was a real P.I.T.A

And our Divine Patti painting her heart out! I'm so proud of you Patti!

I have to tell you all when I set up this get together to send my mom off to Michigan in style I wanted to do it in the funnest way I knew how. Patti came to me and said, "Please don't laugh at me. I don't know how to paint." I told her, "Honey, I wouldn't laugh at you. You are good at a whole bunch of stuff that I'm not good at and I wouldn't want you to laugh at me. So you'll be fine, promise." 

Painting and drinking together should be fun! The secret is the more you drink the better you paint. When you paint in general you should ALWAYS try to have the most fun you possibly can. You are creating something that was never here before and YOU brought it into this world. We should all be proud of our creations that we bring into the world. We've probably made something in our lifetimes that has brought someone else joy and that is a beautiful thing. Creating is all one of the best things in life I can think of doing! Go out and create great big beautiful masterpieces and never be afraid to try. Always remember all the great masters had to start somewhere...they were all beginners once too.

Here's my masterpiece. Where will it hang? I have NO idea, but what I  DO
know is that when I see it my memories of today will come flooding back.

Time spent with friends is time well spent!
For your viewing enjoyment some of the signs that were around the place.

My mom thought this was hysterical.

This one too...

And this is what a beautiful goodbye looks like; so very touching and truly genuine.
Mom, we love you, we miss you, but we also know that there's always Skype!
Pen pal requests can be submitted to Susan thru her blog.
She loves to write letters, or emails...either one will do.

In the words of the great Johnny Cash....We'll meet again, Don't know where
Don't know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day!

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