Saturday, October 4, 2014

Recipe: Saturday Lasagna and Celebrating Fall

I've been trying to think of posts that I'd like to put out here. Some weeks are harder than others. I either have too much to do or have no time to do it. With three girls, two cats, a husband, a full time job along with a life, somedays it just seems like the days just run right into each other. Bless the weekends though, and some weekends I'm lucky enough to have some time to do the things I truly enjoy! 

This weekend isn't as bad as last weekend where I blinked and it ended as fast as it began.  Before I knew it Sunday evening was here and I didn't have much to show for it. This weekend I was hoping to relax more. I'm laughing at that thought now. If you are a "professional parent" you're laughing right along with me. A professional parent is a parent that has more than two children. After two you totally know what's coming around the corner. You become a professional. So on nights like tonight I needed something wicked quick and easy to make. I've been told (by family members mind you) that I make an excellent Lasagna. So tonight I decided it was lasagna night. It's one of the simplest things I know how to make. Super easy, wicked quick and takes absolutely NO brain power to manage this, so if you're tired and need to cook instead of order out, I highly suggest this recipe.

This is all you need
All you need is:
1 lb of ground beef
Lasagna noodles (you'll need 9 noodles)
1 jar of spaghetti sauce 
1 tub of Ricotta Cheese
Parmesan Cheese (we call this shaker cheese)
1-2 packages of Mozzarella Cheese
 1- 9X13 pan

Seriously, you cannot screw this up!
Also add garlic cheese bread or salad on the side and it'll be perfection!
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees, you'll end up baking this for 30 minutes.

It truly is best to get your children preoccupied so that you can make dinner in relative peace and quiet.

It's also handy so they aren't in your hair or under your feet.

So get your ground beef cooking. You can add salt, pepper, and garlic to taste.

Multitask and get your water boiling too.

Once your beef is done, drain the fat off, add the sauce, and set aside.

Boil your noodles for the time on the box.

By this point this is what our table looked like....
Once your meat sauce is done and your noodles are ready it's time to start building your Lasagna. 

Add a thin layer of meat sauce to keep your noodles from sticking to the bottom.

This is like layering a cake, add the noodles.

Add a healthy layer of Mozzarella Cheese!

Add dollops of Ricotta over the top.

Sprinkle the Parmesan Cheese all over the top. Make it look like snow.

Add more noodles...

more sauce....and repeat the cheese process over again two more times.

By this time you should have 3 layers of noodles, sauce and cheese.

By the time this is done the cheese will be slightly browned on the top, take it out, let it cool for a bit and it's ready to serve!

The pumpkins are done and ready for the front porch.

Happy Fall Ya'll!!!

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