Sunday, October 5, 2014

Recipe: Baking Powder Biscuits - They're DELISH!

Remember the old Dunkin' Donut's commercial when the guy wakes up at 4:30 in the morning and says, "Time to make the donuts?" Yeah, it's been THAT kind of morning. I really didn't WANT to get up at 4:30 am, I really wanted to stay in my nice warm bed like NORMAL people, but when Claire cries and it's my morning,'s my morning to get up with her. God love her, she can go back to sleep, but me, not so much. So I tossed and turned and went to the couch and finally I just gave up! I looked at the clock and at 5:30am I figured it was time to make the donuts...I mean biscuits.

When we were little my mom would make these biscuits and I have always loved them. She makes a mean biscuit, awesome potato rolls, and out of this world sourdough rolls. My mother can bake bread like a champion. I think I get my bread making skills from her, for which I am unbelievably grateful. Bread can be a hard thing to bake. Ya gotta get it just right or it comes out too doughy, to dense, or too dry. Biscuits are the same way, you can't ever use a machine to make a great biscuit. All the great biscuits are made by hand with love...LOTS and LOTS of love. I'm thinking now a days it might even be considered a dying art form.

For great biscuits this is seriously all you need.
Baking Powder Biscuits
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
4 Tbs cold unsalted butter, cut into 1/2 inch pieces
3/4 cup whole milk

Preheat your oven to 425 and you'll need to bake these for 15-18 minutes 

Stir together  your dry ingredients, your flour, baking powder and salt.

Incorporate your butter. I chose to use a pastry blender, go ahead and
cut that into the flour mixture until you get crumbs the size of peas.

Pour in your milk and mix with a fork until the dry ingredients moisten.
Take care not to over mix or you'll end up with tough biscuits.

Set up your station for rolling out the dough. Add coffee as needed.

This is what it should look like. This is a good time to remove your jewelry.

Knead gently a few times until your dough starts to cling together.
Using a light touch, pat and roll out the dough about 3/4 of an inch thick.

I can't do anything "normal" so I went with heart biscuits.
My littles will LOVE these for breakfast when they get up!

So here we are, the heart biscuits ready for the oven.

Bake them till they are slightly browned, 15 to 18 minutes tops!
Should make about 10 biscuits.

So we stopped by a Farmers Market yesterday by chance and this is what inspired the biscuit idea. Soccer pictures were supposed to be set for an hour and fifteen minutes before game time. 0.o REALLY?? It takes that long to line 20 kids up and take a couple of pictures? Oh the joys of parenting! Needless to say, we got there and we were informed that we had missed the team pictures because it was actually earlier than that. That meant we had time to kill, and I didn't feel like sitting outside in the wind nor hanging out in the car with the kids for 40 minutes; we decided to make the most of our extra time. We took a drive and ran into this super fun market right outside of Fenton. 

Their pumpkins were SERIOUSLY CRAZY!

Look at these things! I don't know whether to eat them or
use them as a weapon!

They had pretty much anything you'd ever want to choose from.

Love me some skulls and pumpkins!

This picture doesn't do the colors justice.

This lady drives down to The Ozarks at 3am to pick up this produce,
then she drives all the way back up here to open up at 8am! This stuff is FRESH!

Ah! It's a blessed sight! Sleeping children!
This is what we purchased, plus what's left of our whipped honey!
It's going to be an awesome breakfast this morning!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 

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