Sunday, October 26, 2014

Kimmswick's Apple Butter Festival

Way back in the day, let's say way over six years ago, I attended this wonderful festival. It was packed, lots of vendors, great food, fun family name it, they had it. Let's fast forward six + years till now. OH EM GEE! Multiply what I experienced the last time by at least ten! Either that or my memory has been seriously affected by having three children. It's still the same festival, but it just has gotten A LOT bigger! Picture 50,000 people from almost every walk of life, and you've got a close estimate of what's going on there.

It's definitely been over six years because it happens to fall on the weekend of our anniversary or Mitch's birthday and we've always had other plans. This year, our anniversary fell in the middle of the week and so does his birthday so Et Viola...we decided to go. Now I had seen on FB that there were some serious festival traffic, and it was backed up for miles! Did that deter us? Nah, we figured if we went on Sunday morning as soon as the festival opened then it would be easier to get into. We figured the church goers would put a dent in the amount of people attending. Wellllllll, we were sort of right. Note: If you all want to go next year and you see that the Imperial Exit is backed up at least a half to 3/4 of a mile, just go down to the next exit, which is the exit for Barnhart, hang a left at the bottom of the ramp, then another left once you go under the highway, and double back. Trust me on this one! You get there in a fraction of the time with a fraction of the headache. If eight years of marriage has taught me anything it's that Mitch doesn't wait in lines and there's always another way!

The weather this year was absolutely positively amazing! You couldn't ask for better weather at the end of October in the Midwest! I'm soaking up as much sun as I possibly can! I truly believe that if the weather was crappier outside then the numbers would have severely dwindled, but the weather this year brought everyone, and their brother out from under ever rock, and every nook or cranny for miles and miles!

Your guide on this journey.
It didn't take long for the girls and I to find ALL sorts of fun stuff to go looking thru.
One of many hats she wanted to get!

They have a train that goes around. Super fun for kids!

Some great vendors selling their merchandise to one and all.
I bet there had to be over 200 vendors this year.

Treats GALORE!

The Blue Owl is famous, but The Dough Depot is my favorite.

And who doesn't love Halloween headbands!?

Along with $35 fuzzy blankets rocking Hello Kitty?

Or Frozen...

You can even grab yourself some Cowboy Soda for $10 a mug with free refills.

The vendor food is to DIE FOR! 

If your lucky mom will even let you ride on her back.

One of the 7 impromptu parking lots, $5 per car goes to a great cause!

OH the line we never waited in!

All in all, I HATE, LOATHE and really can't stand crowded areas. Wigs me out, but the openness of Kimmswick made the 50,000 people not so bad. It's a great little town to visit anytime you're close to St. Louis. If you take my advice and wait till Sunday and go the back way you shouldn't have any problems getting in. Also, if you want this to be a totally free venture, park at Winsor School and they have free shuttles that will bus you into the festival. Either way it's a great way to spend a beautiful sunny Sunday in October with your family. Good clean fun for everyone! 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mawage, it's what bwings us togeva today.

Tomorrow Mitch and I are lucky enough to celebrate eight years of marriage.
I’ve heard that the first seven years of marriage are always the hardest. That’s when you figure out all your power struggles whether it be with money, children (if you chose to have them) who takes out the trash, who cleans what and when, figuring out if you can donate your spouse’s time to a project without consulting with them first, the list could go on and on. That’s just the struggles I can come up with in five seconds. I’m quite sure that the lists could go on for days given some serious time to stop and think. Struggles in the beginning are just a way of life with your chosen loved one. The way I see it is that if you’re happier with them more than 50% of the time then continue to try your best and stick it out. Open and honest communication with your loved one is a MUST! Love may be blind, but marriage can be a REAL eye opener!
I can honestly say after seven full years of marriage I still LIKE Mitch. Like is a big thing if you stop and think about it. You can love someone, like your family members, but it’s a whole other ball of wax to really like them. When you love and like someone you’ve really got something there. Like helps you get through the small stuff, love gets you through the big stuff. If you look at the big picture, it’s almost always small stuff.
You see everywhere that you need to marry your best friend. Mitch would be my best guy friend. He’s my friend, he’s my cheerleader, he’s my go to, he’s my support system, and he’s my equal partner in raising our children. I won’t lie and say that we’ve had the perfect marriage. I not real sure such a thing exists. We’ve had our tough times and we’ve survived to become a smarter more compassionate couple. We’ve learned a lot about who we are individually and together and why we work. I’ve learned that we work because we honestly try. We work because we do our best to grow together.
I’ve read plenty of articles about why marriages fail and about expectations when you go into a marriage. How men marry woman because they like who they are at the time and woman marry men because of the potential they believe they have for the future.  I’ve also seen marriages fail because people don’t want to try anymore. It’s sometimes easier to go out and find someone shiny and new who loves the “you” that you are at that moment.  Instead, they don’t try and work within the parameters of the marriage that they were in because it’s harder. You know the old saying that, “Life is hard,” well it’s true for a reason.
My parents always told me that marriage is something you have to work at, and grow at together. My mother used the analogy of two oxen pulling a cart. If one Ox doesn’t pull and slacks off it creates an offset in the way the work is distributed. If the oxen pull together, as a team, it lightens the load for its partner. Both oxen pulling at 100% lightens the burden of any load. The same holds true for marriage. Another bit of sage advice that I heard and liked was that, “One of you can only be crazy at a time.” I liked this because it’s SO true, and, “Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire.” I laughed, but I liked it none the less. Mitch and I don’t yell at each other, we have “discussions.” Yelling involves swearing. That’s my rule. If you don’t swear then it’s just a discussion, sometimes heated, but a discussion none the less. And we’ve made it a point that we can have serious discussions in front of our children. We don’t protect them from the everyday ups and downs of our marriage. I want my girls to realize that marriage is not what they see in Disney movies or on TV. That marriage is work. They also get to see the great points in our marriage too! We don’t stop dancing in the kitchen because the girls are around. I pray every night, that if my girls choose to get married, that they find someone as AWESOME as their dad. I'm glad he gives them a good standard to hold the their partners too in the future. I wish for my daughters a marriage as good as ours, not better, but as good. 

Mitch and I have grown together over the last seven years. We’ve struggled, but we’ve grown in the same direction. THAT is the key to our success. Growing in the same direction takes being PRESENT in your relationship. In today’s world of smart phones, the intranet, cable TV with like a bazillion channels, friends, work, and anything else that strikes your fancy it’s really easy to become less present. Trust me, some days all I want is to be alone, by myself, to do whatever I want whenever I want. Find a partner that lets you DO those things for your sanity. Mitch and I have figured out a way to give each other the space that we need, and to still be present as a husband and wife, along with being full time parents too. It’s hard to find the time, but you have to find it, you have to make it a priority or you’ll lose what you have worked so hard to create.

I look back on the last fifteen years that I’ve known Mitch. Boy we’ve changed a lot. He’s changed me and I’ve changed him; most of the time we’ve changed together for the better. He’s my filter, I’m his open communication. He’s my lazy days on the couch, and I’m his get up and go. He’s my Blake Shelton and God only knows what I am to him in that department…maybe his Miranda Lambert?! 0.o He doesn’t listen much to Country. Needless to say, I think we’ve finally found our stride and right on time, three kids later. No family is perfect and we may not have it all together, but together we just might have it all.

Dedicated to Mitch!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Let the EPIC tea party begin...

It's Sunday and yes my house is cluttered, there are toys literally EVERYWHERE, and the laundry is in the middle of being done. The only room in our house that is cleaned is the kitchen. My philosophy is the whole house can look like a bomb has gone off as long as the kitchen is cleaned. That's where our food comes out of and it's #1 priority every week to at least scrub it from top to bottom. Bathrooms come second in that long list of priorities that I know I should be better about, but I've said it a million times before, "I'm not that kind of mom." At least I can be honest about the way I mother. I've known I've been this way since, well pretty much forever. I'm a clutter bug. Clutter doesn't bother me, filth on the other hand bothers me a whole bunch. 

A few weekends back my bestie and I decided to take a couple of hours for ourselves and get together and go hunting. Hunting for what? Anything that struck our fancy. On those special trips that she and I get together for I'm never really on the hunt for one particular thing, but I'll definitely know it when I see it. On this particular day I had no idea what I was looking for, but GOOD LORD I knew it the second I laid my eyes on them! Elements off of Main, a super cute shop in Columbia, IL, where I grew up has some fantastic finds! I love going there, and on this particular day I hit the "MOTHER GOLD!"

My EPIC Find!
Before I was a mother I wouldn't have given these little cups and saucers a second glance. On this day I felt like I had won the lottery! They were beautiful and sweet just like my little girls that where at home, and who I knew would love them for years to come. How many wonderful memories could we make together with these simple and inconspicuous little dishes? I even thought the colors were perfect!

3 little cups
So when I got these home I stashed them away and planned over the next couple of weeks just how to surprise my littles with what I would consider an EPIC tea party. Columbus Day I had the day off and I spent it by myself. I baked cookies and prayed that the rain would stop so that I could surprise them when they got home from school. Unfortunately, man plans and God laughs. The rain never let up and my hopes for our tea party were drenched just like every stitch of ground outside. That didn't stop my dream of giving my girls a great time. I kept out a couple of cookies and froze the rest. Mitch was wondering how this was all going to play out and was happy that I left some cookies out for him. 

He's such a great dad, and told me that he would help me out taking pictures when the weather finally let up. That gave us the window that I was hoping for. He's all for helping me out when I want to create memories and have photographic evidence for later when I'm older. I want to be able to remember how it felt to be young and have my girls stay young forever too. There will come a time when they get bigger and leave to live their own lives and I can keep our memories alive one picture at a time.

Hot Cho Cho and Chocolate Chip Cookies!
I prayed all last week that this weekend would give me the weather that I'd been praying so hard for weeks. I checked and it looked PERFECT! I was so psyched. My philosophy with gifts, surprises or anything that I do for others is Go Big or Go Home! If you are going to make the effort to do something for someone, better do it all the way; I don't like to do anything small. So with that in mind I figured the best thing was to keep it a secret as long as I could. So on the way home from the park today I told the girls I had a surprise for them after nap time. The only hint that I gave them was that they had to dress up for it! There was a light that sparked in their eyes when I said they had to dress up! My girls LOVE to dress up! It starts when you're about 4 and never really stops for girls...or so I've been lead to believe. 

Let the party begin

I loved every minute of this
After they got up for naps, I told them they had to go into Sophie's big dress up suit case and find some great dresses for our big surprise! I thought they were going to fall over each other trying to get down the stairs! We decided on hot "cho cho" and cookies. Sophie couldn't say cocoa when she was littler, it came out cho cho and it just kinda stuck. I believe it might forever be hot cho cho in our house for the rest of our lives. I'm okay with that. 

What's a tea party without stuffed animals? You can't leave out the friends!

This is what happiness looks like!

Percy's, like the sons I never had!

They are as much a part of Sophie as anything ever will be.

Gotta share with our animal friends.

THIS look was worth the weeks of waiting!
So all in all the weeks of waiting were totally worth it! The girls were surprised and they really loved it! Roo even said, "Mom? Can we PLEASE do this again next weekend?!?! I really loved this! Can we even eat dinner out here too maybe?" It's the little things like this that make having girls such a blessing! I will be able to get so many more tea parties out of those $12 dishes and make so many more memories with my littles before they get to big. Then we'll be having grown up girl parties and we'll switch out the hot cho cho with adult hot cho cho! 

Even the Percy's had to lay down and rest after the festivities!

Till next time...
Hope you all had a great weekend too!

Friday, October 17, 2014

God gave us girls

Growing up it wasn’t a far stretch to label me as a tomboy. I was a true tomboy in all sense of the word. I had a couple of friends.  I was introverted, and I didn’t fit in well with the other girls. You could find me outside any given day playing soccer, digging in the dirt, searching for rocks, playing in the woods, climbing trees, riding bikes, reading books, hanging from the swing set or playing tennis by myself off a back board behind the Columbia Library. I wanted a pickup truck or a motorcycle as my first mode of transportation and dreamed of being one of the Lost Boys. Funny how growing up and getting married can change a girl.
When Mitch and I were dating and decided that we were going to get married I told him that I wanted boys; like I had a choice in the matter. Boys were easier, boys were less drama filled, and I bet him that boys whined less and required less work in the hair department. Someone told me somewhere in my travels that boys were harder in the beginning, but if you raised them right there wouldn’t be much work once they got into their teen years. On the flip side that girls were less work when they were younger and more drama filled and whiney the older they got. I don’t remember who gave me this sage description of the difference in raising boys vs. girls, but now I’m thinking that not every child fits into that mold…not.even.close.
When Mitch and I found out that we were pregnant with Roo we decided that we weren’t going to find out the gender of the baby. Looking back on that decision, after having my three girls, I’m thinking there’s a reason why it might be better NOT to find out. Mitch chalks it up as, “the last great surprise.”  I think he was on to something there. We decided to find out with Soph, and with Claire, and I was sorely disappointed. I won’t lie, I REALLY wanted a boy. After having my three girls, I figured out that it’s less of a disappointment when they put this beautiful new bundle of joy into your arms. All that anticipation, frustration and disappointment melts away and never surfaces again. It’s the total truth; ask any mother…it doesn’t matter after they arrive. You can’t change it, and after you live with your little bundle of joy, get to truly know them, you wouldn’t want your life to be any different than the way it actually turned out!
Now that my daughters are getting older and starting to come into their own personalities I’ve come to realize that girls can do anything that boys can do. They can play soccer, get dirty in the mud like boys do, and they have the same kind of aspirations like becoming an American Ninja Warrior! The only true difference is what door they choose to go into to use the restroom. I’ve seen some boys be total drama queens and some little girls not make a fuss about much. I’ve learned it’s the temperament of each child that is different. We put a lot of stereo types on girls vs. boys. My girls sometimes fit into those stereotypes, but not all of them, and not all the time. This “tomboy” mom is THANKFUL for that.

God gave us girls. My mom has told me that it’s because God knew I needed softening. My edges were too rough, too hard, and needed to be rounded. “Girls will round you out Kev.” Funny enough, the old saying holds true on this one that my mom was right. I can laugh about it now.  I wasn’t too keen on the idea when we had that chat. Now that Claire is growing up so quickly, and coming truly into her own spirited personality, she’s as tenacious as any little boy.  Soph is just as rough and tumble as any little boy I’ve ever been around, and Roo, well she rocks the girl card to the fullest! God help us with all of our girls. They have their “girl” tendencies for sure and they will help round me out some more as they get older. I’ve even noticed a change in my own personality when it comes to dealing with others. My girls have given me that gift. Without my girls and being married to Mitch I would be harsher, less rubber band like in my interactions. God gives us what we need and obviously I needed some serious rounding! I can’t say that motherhood has been easy on my psyche. I’ve had to tear down all my preconceived notions and start on a new foundation. It takes courage to raise children, boys or girls. Being a parent changes the way we live, the way we think, and it should.  Now that I’m a professional parent I can look back and laugh at how much we’ve all grown as a family. 
My wildly expressive middle!

My over achieving oldest

My runner of a third!
What my girls have taught me:
Just because I’m a “Tom mom” doesn’t mean I can’t dress up once in a while.
Being FABULOUS is a frame of mind.
Impromptu singing, even at the dinner table, makes any moment better.
A child’s laughter lifts the most down trodden spirit.
My daughter’s memory is like a steel trap! You can’t get anything past her.
Baby hugs and kisses are just plain AWESOME! Try one you won’t be disappointed.
Toothless grins make cutting teeth bearable.
Rocking a baby at O’dark thirty is well worth being up because you’ll never get that moment back.
Sometimes you have to do it by yourself (even if there is someone there who could help you).
Trust our instincts for you can’t find all of the answers in a book.
Trying to discipline without laughing is harder than you think.
Playing with your children is more important than having your laundry done and your house clean.
Being adaptable in any situation is paramount!
We do make a difference, they do listen, and they will mimic.
You can be a good example or a bad example, choose wisely.
Sometimes parents need a time out too.
Winging it is not always a bad thing!
Be your true honest self, the people who love you will always love you, no matter what.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Recipe: Baking Powder Biscuits - They're DELISH!

Remember the old Dunkin' Donut's commercial when the guy wakes up at 4:30 in the morning and says, "Time to make the donuts?" Yeah, it's been THAT kind of morning. I really didn't WANT to get up at 4:30 am, I really wanted to stay in my nice warm bed like NORMAL people, but when Claire cries and it's my morning,'s my morning to get up with her. God love her, she can go back to sleep, but me, not so much. So I tossed and turned and went to the couch and finally I just gave up! I looked at the clock and at 5:30am I figured it was time to make the donuts...I mean biscuits.

When we were little my mom would make these biscuits and I have always loved them. She makes a mean biscuit, awesome potato rolls, and out of this world sourdough rolls. My mother can bake bread like a champion. I think I get my bread making skills from her, for which I am unbelievably grateful. Bread can be a hard thing to bake. Ya gotta get it just right or it comes out too doughy, to dense, or too dry. Biscuits are the same way, you can't ever use a machine to make a great biscuit. All the great biscuits are made by hand with love...LOTS and LOTS of love. I'm thinking now a days it might even be considered a dying art form.

For great biscuits this is seriously all you need.
Baking Powder Biscuits
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
4 Tbs cold unsalted butter, cut into 1/2 inch pieces
3/4 cup whole milk

Preheat your oven to 425 and you'll need to bake these for 15-18 minutes 

Stir together  your dry ingredients, your flour, baking powder and salt.

Incorporate your butter. I chose to use a pastry blender, go ahead and
cut that into the flour mixture until you get crumbs the size of peas.

Pour in your milk and mix with a fork until the dry ingredients moisten.
Take care not to over mix or you'll end up with tough biscuits.

Set up your station for rolling out the dough. Add coffee as needed.

This is what it should look like. This is a good time to remove your jewelry.

Knead gently a few times until your dough starts to cling together.
Using a light touch, pat and roll out the dough about 3/4 of an inch thick.

I can't do anything "normal" so I went with heart biscuits.
My littles will LOVE these for breakfast when they get up!

So here we are, the heart biscuits ready for the oven.

Bake them till they are slightly browned, 15 to 18 minutes tops!
Should make about 10 biscuits.

So we stopped by a Farmers Market yesterday by chance and this is what inspired the biscuit idea. Soccer pictures were supposed to be set for an hour and fifteen minutes before game time. 0.o REALLY?? It takes that long to line 20 kids up and take a couple of pictures? Oh the joys of parenting! Needless to say, we got there and we were informed that we had missed the team pictures because it was actually earlier than that. That meant we had time to kill, and I didn't feel like sitting outside in the wind nor hanging out in the car with the kids for 40 minutes; we decided to make the most of our extra time. We took a drive and ran into this super fun market right outside of Fenton. 

Their pumpkins were SERIOUSLY CRAZY!

Look at these things! I don't know whether to eat them or
use them as a weapon!

They had pretty much anything you'd ever want to choose from.

Love me some skulls and pumpkins!

This picture doesn't do the colors justice.

This lady drives down to The Ozarks at 3am to pick up this produce,
then she drives all the way back up here to open up at 8am! This stuff is FRESH!

Ah! It's a blessed sight! Sleeping children!
This is what we purchased, plus what's left of our whipped honey!
It's going to be an awesome breakfast this morning!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!